Parent-Teacher Conferences
Just looking at a report card may not give parents a full picture of how well a child is doing in school. We highly recommend parents attend parent-teacher conferences to learn more about their child's progress. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled two times during the year in conjunction with report cards, though parents are welcome to schedule additional conferences throughout the year. Learn more.
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
In case of illness, accident or other emergency, the school will attempt to contact a child's parent or guardian. Please make sure the school has current contact information, including home, work, cell phone and pager numbers. In addition, be sure to keep the office informed of any changes in emergency contacts or child care arrangements.
School Information & Flyers
Whenever possible, school and community information is sent home via Peach Jar. The principal also makes weekly phone calls and emails every Sunday evening.
Facts for Parents
Each student should receive a copy of San Diego Unified School District's Facts for Parents publication:
English | Spanish
Facts for Parents is a yearly publication that contains essential information about the district. It includes:
- Basic information about the school district.
- Descriptions of parent rights and responsibilities.
High school graduation requirements.
The district's Zero Tolerance Policy prohibiting weapons, violence, drugs, alcohol and tobacco at school.
Disclosures required by state or federal law.
Parents are encouraged to review the information with their child(ren). Several forms in the back must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned their child's teacher or other designated person at the school.
District Resources for Parents
Additional information and resources for parents are available on the district's website .